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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  March 1, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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tonight on "world news," women making money. an historic new look at the truth about american women and their paychecks. and how to make the future better. exposing the truth. our christiane amanpour shows gadhafi forces covering up the reality on the streets. floods and fires. rising water threatens the entire midwest, while florida is burning. made in america. are you sure your home is filled with american goods? we show one family the truth and what a shock tonight. and, surprising life. the unexpected story of america's pioneer pinup girl,
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jane russell, who died yesterday. good evening. the last time it happened in america, it was 1963, and john kennedy was in the white house. we got answers to some direct questions about women in the united states. what are their paychecks, their opportunities and their obstacles? well, now, tonight, almost 50 years later, though questions have finally been asked and answered once again. a huge new report on american women, where gains have been made, where ground has been lost. and we have two correspondents on the case tonight, elizabeth vargas and jake tapper, who starts us off at the white house, where the study was released just today. >> reporter: good evening, diane. the white house released today what it called the most comprehensive study by the government on women in almost 50 years. each day, 72 million women in the u.s. get up and either head
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to work or look for work. they're a group of women who are better educated than ever before. but they still make less than their male counterparts, on average, only 80% of what a man makes. this woman graduated with a masters from columbia and went to work for a magazine in new york city. her male counterpart with the same job and only a bachelor's degree was paid $3,000 a year more. >> i felt de-valued. i felt like i didn't count. i felt inferior to my colleague. >> reporter: sometimes it's discrimination, but there are other factors, as well, behind back inequity. >> one reason is they're not going into the kinds of fields that are high income producing. so the president has had an effort to encourage women and girls to go into science and technology and engineering math. >> reporter: we sat down this afternoon with three professional women to talk about the fact that women still make less than their male counterparts. >> something that i've seen is, women don't know -- they're unsure of how to actively
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advocate and negotiate a salary. >> reporter: that is also a key reason for the disparity. according to abc news workplace contributor tory johnson. >> we have to recognize even if we are uncomfortable, we have to speak up. >> reporter: "good morning america" put that theory to the test, telling volunteers they'd be paid for their participation in a game, anywhere from $5 to $12, but it wasn't negotiable. >> i would like the max, of course. >> reporter: half the men, but only a third of the women, negotiated. >> $5 okay? >> yeah. >> great. >> reporter: another run for pay inequity, women take on more family responsibilities, caring not only for children, but these days, elderly parents, thus limiting their ability. >> sometimes it's harder to find somebody to take care of your family, or parents or children. >> reporter: abc news' claire shipman says companies have been adapting. >> in some cases, up to 40%. >> reporter: the white house says it's pushing not only
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workplace flexibility rules, but on the subject of pay inequity, something the paycheck fairness act which failed in the last congress but the administration will continue to push. diane? >> jake, thank you. and now we turn to "20/20" anchor elizabeth vargas, who has covered these issues for years. what is the one thing you most hope people will think about tonight? >> reporter: having women on your work force is good for your pot tom line financially. there are two stud dips out that show this. for example, companies that have more women have a 35% higher return rate on equity and a 34% higher return rate for shareholders. as a result, a growing number of companies are actively trying to recruit women with family friendly policies like paid maternity leave. >> since women do so much of the care giving. who are your great companies?
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>> reporter: googles, for examp example, 18 weeks of paid maternity leave. seven weeks to fathers. that's more than most companies offer women. johnson & johnson, seven on-site child care centers. and deloitte. if you have to have a child to stay up to home, they will send somebody to your house to babysit for the day, backup child care for $4 an hour. extraordinary. >> it is extraordinary and the discrepancy between those companies and other companies is vast. >> reporter: very dramatic. >> big difference in the bottom line for women. thank you, elizabeth and jake tapper, as well. and now, we go to libya. today, the united nations estimated the death toll there could top 1,000 people. and word tonight that 400 u.s. marines are being sent to a ship in the med trarn yan to stand by for humanitarian assistant. christiane amanpour who brought us the first interview with moammar gadhafi is in tripoli
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again tonight. >> reporter: diane, people close to gadhafi are worried that the west is getting ready for an invasion, and that would unleash more violence, they fear. meanwhile, the noose is tightening, and all the while, gadhafi insists that he remains in control of the country. call it a tale of two realities. by night, anti-gadhafi graffiti on the walls. by morning, it's painted over and edited by pro-gadhafi loyalists. today, we made our way through an eerily calm capital. so, here we are in the old city of tripoli. and you can see, it is comple completely shuttered. usually this is bustling, markets, shoms, restaurants, and now, totally quiet. this afternoon, escorted from gadhafi's are jeem took us and other reporters to a neighborhood here in tripoli where we found -- a ready-made
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rally of gadhafi supporters. there were almost as many of us as there were of them. but pull back the curtain a bit and you discover that everything is not quite as it seems. reporters have also seen images such as these -- of protests, right here in the same neighborhood, just last friday. recently handed off by young opponents of the regime. libya is now divided. in the east, cities like benghazi are out of gadhafi's control. the opposition is already trying to set up a parallel government. the denial of what's really happening here comes right from the top, as i found yesterday when i interviewed colonel gadhafi. >> translator: nothing is taking place whatsoever. >> reporter: he blames al qaeda
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for instigating the violence, and he accuses the media of painting a distorted picture of what's happening here. and so, his government is trying to paint a new one. >> so, christiane, government trying to create that picture. what are the libyan people seeing on tv, in newspapers and do they believe it? >> reporter: diane, people who listen to state-run media, who just want the state television, do believe it. that's all they're being told, they're being told that it's a foreign conspiracy, it's only terrorists in charge of the other cities, and that gadhafi is in control. others, of course, make phone calls, they have relatives in these other cities, they have access to satellite television and they are not quite assure. diane? >> so, some reality penetrating nonetheless. good to have christiane reporting again tonight from libya. and, back here at home, people from kentucky and tennessee to ohio and indiana are scrambling for dry ground. flood waters are rising after days of heavy rain and melting snow.
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in ohio, every one of the 88 counties there is under a flood watch or a warning tonight. and barbara pinto is in the middle of it all in findlay, ohio. barbara? >> reporter: good evening, diane, we're here in findlay, ohio. this river has submerged about a third of this town, leaving roads, businesses and hundreds of homes under water. and all of this is the result of just two inches of rain and six inches of melting snow. across the region, heavy rains and flooding have claimed at least two lives, including an ohio woman who was swept away in her car. here in findlay, frustrated residents are cleaning up tonight. this is their third major flood in four years. and take a good look at this town, because this is what a lot of the midwest can expect over the next few weeks. record snowfall this winter could mean the worst spring flooding we've seen here in years. diane? >> all right, barbara, from the water pouring in in ohio, we head to florida now, where a
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fast-moving wildfire is burning across more than 16,000 acres tonight. and matt gutman is there in the middle of that. matt, what is that smoldering around you, and how big is this fire? >> reporter: this fire has been enormous, diane, and it's turned this area into a moon scape, turned trees into cinders. now, firefighters are currently focused on protecting and saving about 300 homes still threate d threatened. the biggest concern, diane, continues to be the wind. yesterday, about 400 acres had been burned. then, the wind picked up and by nighttime, it was 10,000 acres. right now, it's 16,000 acres and rising. this fire has been called the iron horse wildfire. it's one of the worst here in way over a decade. and it caused so much flames to hopscotch i-95, clogged it with so much smoke that it forced a 30-mile closure along the interstate. now, officials tell us there
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have been only a few structures that have been destroyed. no injuries to far. but those officials that i spoke to said this fire is moving south. this means it is moving to more brush and, diane, this fire is not yet over. >> okay, matt, watch where you step tonight. matt gutman down in florida. and, one political note for you. a big hat has been thrown in the ring for 2012, the presidential race. sources tell abc news former house speaker nu eer newt gingrl become the first major gop candidate and announce it this week. still ahead on "world news," we shock an american family about their home. what they thought was made in america, what is really made in america. and, something new tonight about driving behind those big rigs on the highway. a warning. and, the surprising struggles of america's pioneering pinup girl. [ female announcer ] this is not a prescription.
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gives them a shock of the truth. >> reporter: you met our brave american family from dallas, the usries, jon and anna, their two children, and a black lab. and you saw the home they thought was filled with american-made products. but then "world news" arrived. >> hello! >> reporter: and looked a little closer. >> table made in thailand. >> table is made in india. >> thailand. >> bangladesh. >> even the american girl doll. made in china. piece by piece, we took out everything, the stove, the fridge, that heavy piano. what would be left? this this. and this. and the usries were able to come home. welcome home. what do you think? >> wow. it's quite barren. >> all of our appliances are gone. >> yuh-oh.
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>> reporter: we left the kitchen sink. it was made in america. and the bedroom? >> doesn't look much better. nothing left but the television cables dangling from the wall. so, you have no tv tonight. you knew you were going to come home to a different house. >> yes. >> reporter: were you expecting this? >> no. >> reporter: you knew yooud have to spend the night with whatever you came home to. >> yes. doing your homework on the kitchen floor. it would be nice to have that table, wouldn't it? >> reporter: dinner? >> no microwave, no oven, no stove. no refrigerator. john, what are you making for dinner? >> pb and j. american classic. >> reporter: at the end of the night? >> we have nothing left. no rug, no sheets, no pillows. >> reporter: even the dog was confused. >> because we did take away her dog bed. >> reporter: as the sun rose own the usry home, "world news" was back. how bad was it? >> it was rough. >> reporter: no coffee maker.
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>> we miss our stuff. >> reporter: but now would come the real challenge. helping the family scour the country for items to replace what we took away. enter the best shopper i know, armed with her blackberry and her laptop. sharyn alfonsi. >> hello. >> reporter: hey. i loved what david had done with the place. we immediately started working the computer and decided to start small. i'm trying to find out if a certain coffee maker was made in the usa. >> what's made in america. made in the usa? >> reporter: made in the usa. we kept pressing. >> going to get help on this. >> reporter: it took a dozen calls and more than an hour just to find an american coffee maker. two hours to find a couch. okay, thank you. bye. not helpful at all. frustrating, but worth asking, because economists say if we all just went 1% more on
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american-made goods right now, 18 cents a day, that would be 200,000 new jobs today. >> reporter: and this family now knows that, which is why they asked that question, apparently seldom heard. is this made in america? at the container store, they told us one-third of what they sell is made in america. how much do people ask you about it being made in the u.s. snus. >> probably about 15% of the time. >> reporter: anyone today? anyone yesterday? >> no. >> reporter: anyone the day before? we would keep asking. and in the end, we called more than 100 companies all over this country, placing orders, rush delivery. and here they come, a half dozen trucks carrying goods from all over this country. we're about to make this house made in america. six trucks coming down snow white drive. >> reporter: can i get some help back here? >> reporter: but the bigger
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question, what do they have inside, and will it be enough to fill the usry home? >> the "made in america" s.w.a.t. team is here. i can't wait to see this. >> reporter: i thought, what have we done? do we have enough to fill this house? >> reporter: there's a reason why we're not on extreme home makeover. but the big questions, diane what will the house look this time tomorrow when we unload all the gear, and, how many jobs created bill those shipments alone? it's really eye-opening. we'll get through that all week this year. >> so surprising how hard it was to find how what was made in america. okay. back tomorrow night with what's in those trucks. and thank you for sending us videos and writing us. more than 1,000 of you have done it. we want you to keep sending us videos of you, looking around your house for what's made in america. we're looking at this right here at abc news,
6:50 pm is the place to go. and coming up, a safety alert about driving behind those big rigs on the highway. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now, i've got the leading part. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, take the lead. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at
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and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. a new warning was issued today for every car driver in america. we've all felt anxiety when a big rig looms near us on the highway. well, lisa stark shows us what's been happening 350 times a year. >> reporter: watch as this car traveling just 35 miles an hour
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slams into a tractor trailer. the rear guard on the truck should have stopped the car from plowing underneath. it failed. >> we think it's clear they're not working. >> reporter: in canada, rear guards are 75% stronger. why are the american guards failing? not only are they weaker, but there's no requirement to test them once they're installed. >> where we see a lot of failures occurring the attachment to the truck. >> reporter: the trucking industry supports improvements, but warning there's no easy solution. >> what's the strength we want what's too much and what's not enough? >> reporter: nancy lost part of her jaw and tongue in one of these crashes. she struggles with speaking and eating. but her passion is clear. >> we need lower, safer, more energy-absorbing guards. >> reporter: the government insists, it is actively working on this critical safety issue. r lisa stark, abc news, washington. and when we return, the secret life of an american pinup guard.
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and finally tonight, the secret side of a sensational icon, one of america's first pinup girls. actress jane russell died yesterday at the age of 89.
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and david wright learneded more about her real life. ♪ bye-bye baby ♪ remember you're my baby when >> reporter: "gentlemen prefer blonds" except when they're brunette and a bomb shell. ♪ i'm in a condition >> reporter: jane russell was that and then some. >> i like a man who can run faster than i can. >> reporter: well able to hold her own opposite marilyn monroe. the two got of stars on the hollywood walk of fame side by side the same day. she was a preacher's daughter, who for years led a bible study group here in hollywood. and yet -- >> you mustn't, you'll hurt yourself. >> reporter: she was mean, moody and magnificent. the tag line for her role in "the outlaw," a picture so racy, the sensors banned it for two years. the movie's director, howard hughes, famously used his knowledge of fuselage engineering, to design a bra for her. >> it was a contraption, you know, and it was not comfortable
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and it was not wearable at the time. so, i just wore my own bra. >> reporter: after her career ended, she marketed herself as an expert on the topic. >> you've got to try the jane russell bra. >> reporter: she wrote in her memoirs that a botched abortion in high school left her unable to have children. throughout her life, she fought hard to expand adoption. and, she kept performing in supper clubs until the very end. ♪ with my baby >> reporter: but her fans will always remember her when -- ♪ with my baby by and by ♪ >> reporter: david wright, abc news, hollywood. >> hope it's a wonderful night for you, and that we see you here again tomorrow. so glad you were with us. good night. curtis: welcome back to geico radio, it's savings, on the radio.
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